


What was the use of a whole time to send and not send if there was to be the kind of thing that made that come in. A letter was nicely sent.


―― ガートルード・スタイン 『やさしい釦』
Gertrude Stein "TENDER BUTTONS"


"Forgive me," Trout Fishing in America said. "Go on ahead and try for him. He'll hit a couple of times more, but you won't catch him. He's not a particularly smart fish. Just lucky. Sometimes that's all you need."


―― リチャード・ブローティガン 『アメリカの鱒釣り』



―― ウジェーヌ・ミンコフスキー 『精神のコスモロジーへ』
Eugène Minkowski "VERS UNE COSMOLOGIE, fragments philosophique"


editor in chief Hiromasa Horiuchi  
nationality Japan  
manifesto These web pages stand for purposeless purposeness.
The I-King (Yi-King
The Book of Changes) said that everything is placed opposite position.
And everything would be taking turns each roll always.
The moving lines change to their opposite (Yang to Yin, and Yin to Yang), to form a new I-King trigram.
Our ears should be new position now and then.

total direction Masanori Tada  
nationality Japan  
manifesto One day I attended a certain lecture.
A lecturer said that John Cage, in his later years, had attained a new horizon called "Musicircus".
The moment I heard it, the last scene from Federico Fellini's film "8 1/2"(1963) flashed into my mind.
That night I had an ineffable happy dream.
34 girls with whom I had fallen in love since my Tenshi Kindergarten years ("Tenshi" means 'angel' in Japanese) were dancing around me, hand in hand, each wearing memorable costumes that I can never forget.
Jacques Lacan mentioned that LOVE is something that often desires to fail.
I would like to praise wholeheartedly the songs of such brave love on this web site.
